
jade包含下面的内容:headscript(src='/jquery.js').我们可以像下面给includehead添加内容,这里是添加两个脚本.htmlincludeheadscript(src='/foo.js ...,DOCTYPEhtml>...




jade 包含下面的内容: head script(src='/jquery.js'). 我们可以像下面给 include head 添加内容, 这里是添加两个脚本. html include head script(src='/foo.js ...

jade template inheritance

DOCTYPE html>. <html>. <head>. <h1>My Site. </h1>. <script src=/jquery.js></script>. <script src=/underscore.js></script>. </head>. <body>. <header>.


scripts script(src='/jquery.js') script(src ... jade 包含下面的内容:. head script(src='/jquery.js ... jade # 在标准IO下使用jade $ jade < my.jade > my.html ...

pug 基礎介紹(1) DAY99

css) script(src=js/vendors.js). navbar 也是 navbar.jade nav.navbar.navbar-expand-lg.navbar-dark.bg-dark a.navbar-brand(href='#') Navbar button.navbar ...


Includes allow you to insert the contents of one jade file into another ... Includes allow you to insert the contents of one jade file into another. ... script src= ...


//- includes/head.pug head title My Site script(src='/javascripts/jquery.js') script(src='/javascripts/app.js'). //- includes/foot.pug footer#footer p ...


2013年1月15日 — Put this in your jade file: script(src=/Scripts/jquery.timeago.js).

how to pass script src in to jade template

2015年6月2日 — I have a jade template that I want to pass in a variable as the script src, as on different routes the scripts will change. How can I do this in ...


Jade - robust, elegant, feature rich template engine for nodejs. ... The definitive source of the best JavaScript ... js containing the compiled template.